
Mapping a System

Information systems have become so complex that teams can no longer efficiently navigate through the data flows to perform desired investigations. Domain-oriented Data Mesh architectures exacerbate this situation.

{openAudit}'s technical and multi-technological data lineage allows you to understand the origin and usage of each piece of data in on-premises and/or Cloud systems with a single mouse click. The underlying analyses are replayed daily.

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Optimize a System

The technical capabilities of the Cloud enable infinite scalability. This is particularly important as data sources, users, and business use cases have multiplied. However, there are unintended consequences: systems become unintelligible, unmanageable, and ultimately expensive.


Migrate the DataFlow or DataViz Layer

Data storage or data visualization technologies have accumulated over time. Some of these technologies have become outdated or are not well-suited for the Cloud. Migration is necessary.

Unfortunately, the volumes and intrinsic complexity of some technologies make these projects excessively costly. {openAudit}, relying on the extreme granularity of its reverse engineering, enables the automation of these migrations.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What technologies are currently addressed by {openAudit}?

DataFlows (procedural code): SQL and SQL views, PL/SQL, T-SQL, PostgreSQL, Perl, Cobol, Java, Redshift // DataFlows (ETL/ELT): Genio, Talend, SSIS, DataStage, Stambia, BODS // DataViz: Data Studio, Qlik Sense, SAP BO, Looker, Crystal Report, SSRS.

Is it possible to work with other technologies?

Ellipsys has been developing parsers in large numbers for a long time and is capable of developing new ones in record time. Furthermore, Cloud technologies heavily use SQL and its derivatives. We have genuine expertise in SQL, SQL views, nested views, etc., as well as a methodology for handling dynamic procedures, triggers, and more.

What about the personal data revealed and their processing?

{openAudit} will add log analysis to the data lineage, to know who consumed the data, when and how (which corresponds to the uses of the data). The generated audit logs contain all SQL queries executed on the database, whether by programs or users. These queries may contain "sensitive" information such as customer names, user numbers, etc. To be exhaustive, all integers, floats and strings present in queries are hidden and replaced by variables. We do not have access to the cartography table.

Do we have access to the databases linked to the processing of metadata by {openAudit}?

The {openAudit} databases, which allow us to construct our responses on the Web interfaces, are systematically made available to customers so that they can build adhoc responses. Typically, some of our customers have "plugged in" PowerBI or Qlik to be able to make additional analyses.

{openAudit} is SaaS software, but is it possible to integrate it on-prem?

Yes. We have a number of banking customers who refuse to push their data outside. We install {openAudit} on VMs at home. Ideally, we need VPN access to be able to carry out corrective maintenance actions, or versions upgrades. You can also create a secure airlock with a Citadelle server.

How is {openAudit} billed?

Our PoCs are never free, because the setup takes time, and its value is significant. However, as soon as a license is signed, the set up is free (at constant technical scope). In addition, we offer multi-year licenses which directly depend on the number of technologies concerned (DataFlows and DataViz) but also volumes. We offer a large number of logins, always sufficient in the client's context.